2023 JMU Transfer One Book

Housing Search On Campus

Living on campus is a great way to connect to the JMU community. Residence Life is happy to offer housing contracts in upperclass residence halls. All these buildings are air-conditioned and most have suite-style or private bathrooms. You can sign a 2023-24 contract within this step. The deadline to sign your contract is May 31 and you must select a roommate in the Online Housing System by June 15. You will receive your room assignment via email by July 1. Contact Residence Life at 540-568-4663 or res-life@jmu.edu with any questions. Off Campus

Looking for off-campus housing? We encourage you to check the OCL website or call 540-568-6071. Follow Off-Campus Life’s advice to obtaining housing in Harrisonburg. 1. Determine which living arrangement best suits your personality. Are you interested in rooming with a group of students or is living solo your first choice? Be honest with yourself.

2. Check out OCL at jmu.edu/osl/ocl. Search for places to live and connect with other JMU stu- dents who are looking for roommates. 3. List at least three places to visit and make an appointment to tour the property. If you are look- ing for a roommate, most property owners will be happy to help place you with another JMU student.

Enhance your Orientation

New Dukes Abroad in Germany Earn three credits before stepping foot on campus! The Exploration of Migration and Cul- ture in Germany is a competitive study abroad opportunity designed for incoming students that takes place July 22 -Aug 2 in Frankfurt (Oder), Berlin, and Słubice, Poland. In addition to learning the history and culture of refugee resettlement, students will make connections with other new Dukes before classes start. Learn more and apply by April 27th at https://www.jmu.edu/global/abroad/ programs/jmu-germany-new-dukes. shtml.

Madison Orientation Adventure Trip

DMAD (Dukes Making a Difference) Prior to Weeks of Welcome, connect with other service-mined students while volunteering with local non-profits. Immerse yourself in an unforgettable experience and learn about Harrisonburg’s most pressing social issues. No experience necessary, come ready to learn and serve together! Registration costs include transpor- tation and food. Get all the details at jmu.edu/csl.

MOAT is a three-night, four-day adventure program designed for new JMU students. Students will meet up with welcoming and knowledgeable student trip leaders to tent camp, rock climb, hike, and canoe in the Shenan- doah Valley. No experience is necessary! It is a great way to make connections with other students before classes start. There are multiple MOAT trips across the summer as well as an August session that takes place just before classes start. Check out jmu.edu/recreation/adven- ture/moat.shtml for more info.



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