Support for your transition to JMU
Counseling Connections Counseling Connections is a program to assist incoming students with previous or existing mental health concerns in connecting with appropriate mental health resources. Students who are currently connected with a provider are strongly recommended to maintain care with those providers. If unable to do so, e.g., limitations of licensure coverage, visit parents-family/counseling-connections.shtml to learn more or contact the Counseling Center to schedule an appointment.
Free tutoring! The Learning Centers offer online and in-person learning assistance through the following programs: ◆ The Communication Center assists with speech preparation and practice. ◆ Multilingual Student Services assists in using your full language in all academic expression. ◆ The Science and Math Learning Center provides tutoring for introductory science and math classes. ◆ The University Writing Center offers writing con- sultations for all majors for writing tasks. ◆ Peer Assisted Study Sessions offer review sessions twice a week for specific supported courses.
Community Service Learning Gain global experience by getting involved in the Harrisonburg, regional or international community through Community Service-Learning. Students describe it as some of the most profound experiences of their college careers. Get started at to find countless ways to support the diverse local community, participate in CS-L’s award-winning Alternative Breaks and even work while serving the community.
Visit for more information.
Study Abroad It’s a myth that trans- fer students can’t study abroad! Start planning now, work closely with your academic advisor and browse the 70+ programs available at https://www. all-programs/index.shtml.
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